Notion that I am eating healthy but still not losing weight:

Welcome back to my blog, and thank you for the encouraging feedback on my previous posts. Today, let’s delve into the paradox of gaining weight despite maintaining a healthy diet and check if any of the following food/factors seem familiar as potential culprits in your weight loss journey:

1. Are you eating healthy but consuming calorically dense foods?

Some of the healthiest foods can contribute to weight gain due to their caloric density. I’m listing only a few examples:

  • Avocados: Just half of this nutritious fruit contains about 150 kcal. Regular consumption, like having avocado toast or guacamole, can add unnecessary calories to your daily intake.

  • Nuts: Despite being rich in protein, fiber, omega-3s, and vitamins, nuts are highly calorically dense. A handful of peanuts can be around 170 kcal, while half a cup surpasses 400 kcal. It is essential to be mindful of your caloric intake, aiming for meals in the 400-500 kcal range, and snacks no more than 100 calories.
  • Salad Choices and Dressings: Eating salads is an excellent strategy for reducing calorie intake, but the choice matters. For instance:

-Caesar salad (1 serving) can range from 450-600 kcal.

– Adding olive oil to grilled vegetables or bread can contribute an extra 100-120 calories.

2.Do you notice your portion sizes?

Opting for a meal of solely grilled vegetables may seem like a healthy choice, but have you considered portion size? It’s easy to keep eating until you feel full, thinking that vegetables are low in calories and inherently healthy. However, grilled vegetables drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with feta cheese can add approximately 300 to 400 calories per bowl.
Similarly, indulging in a large popcorn at the cinema may appear harmless. However, it’s essential to be mindful of the butter content. A large buttered popcorn can easily reach 600 calories, and during a two-hour movie, it’s quite possible to consume this calorie-packed snack without realizing it.

3.Are you drinking calories?

Generally, eating leads to more satiety than drinking. Chewing helps with satiety, and solid foods will make you feel full compared to liquid food with the same amount of calories. Surprisingly, homemade healthy smoothies can pack up to 800 calories. Relying solely on the belief that you’ve only consumed a smoothie can be misleading. Just a smoothie at breakfast can cause unintentional extra calorie intake later in the day.

4.Are you following a protein-rich diet?

Another notion that eating high protein foods to increase metabolism can be misleading. Ask yourself if a “protein-rich diet” is truly necessary for you. While increasing protein by cutting down on sugar and fat aids weight loss, it’s crucial to maintain the right portion size. Consider your protein needs—are you an athlete or engaging in increased muscle training exercises? Consuming more protein than your body requires may result in storing excess as fat.

5.Magical weight loss tips, are they working? 

There is no scientific evidence that certain herbal drinks will lead to weight loss. People may experience short-term placebo effects, but no long-lasting results. Many people trying to lose weight will search for quick solutions, often leading to misconceptions about certain foods or drinks. Examples include lemon and honey water, green tea, grapefruit juice, and chia seeds. There is no magical food or drink that guarantees weight loss. Achieving a caloric deficit is essential for effective and sustained weight loss.

Hope you find my blog helpful. Stay tuned for the next one